
Quarter-page ad: UC Berkeley Labor Center’s 60th Anniversary


Artwork size: 3-5/8”w x 4-7/8”h. Artwork specifications: Adobe Illustrator EPS file (please convert type to outlines); Photoshop tiff file; or press-quality PDF (please be sure to embed all fonts). No bleeds. Early submissions are greatly appreciated.

Your tax-deductible contribution is $450.00. If you wish to donate the full amount to the Labor Center, please select “Decline the benefits” at checkout. Tax ID#94-6002123.

The UC Berkeley Labor Center cannot accept any type of funding from Political Action Committees (PACs) or their foundations, including gifts and revenue. Please note that gifts made via a donor-advised fund, IRA or family foundation account cannot include benefits (e.g. tickets or ad space).

All ads must be confirmed no later than April 16th to be included in print collateral.

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